Getting Started with Yupeto

A run through of creating an account and your business profile on Yupeto

Last updated: 24 Aug 2023

Welcome to Yupeto, a cloud pet services booking platform designed to simplify managing your exceptional animal boarding, grooming, day care, and walking/sitting services. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of creating your Yupeto account and setting up your pet service profile.

Step 1: Creating an Account:

To get started, go to This will take you to the Yupeto login and registration page. On the Yupeto login and registration page, press on the "Create an account" button. This will prompt you to provide the necessary information to create your account.

Create a Yupeto Pet Services Account

Fill out the required fields, including your name (not your business name), your email address, and a secure password. Please ensure that your password meets the required criteria to protect the security of your account.

Register you Yupeto Account

After filling in the necessary details, press on the "Register" button. This will complete your account registration and redirect you to setup your pet services profile.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Pet Service Profile:

Upon successful registration, you will be directed to your create your pet services profile. Start by entering your service or business name, such as "Pepper's Place." This will help pet owners identify and connect with your business.

Enter your service or business name

Next, choose the types of animals you provide services for. You can select from a variety of options, including dogs, cats, birds, and more. Showcasing your expertise will attract the right customers.

Choose the types of animals you provide services for

Now, it's time to specify the types of services you offer. Select from options like boarding, grooming, day care, walking/sitting, or any other service you provide. This will further tailor your profile and help to easily meet the needs of pet owners trying to book your services.

Specify the types of services you offer

Once you have filled in your business information, animal types, and service types, press on the "Create" button to finalise and save your profile. Congratulations! You have successfully set up your pet service profile on Yupeto.

Press on the "Create" button

Now you have created your Yupeto account and set up your pet service profile and you are almost ready to start taking bookings and connecting with pet owners in need of your exceptional services.

Next up we will delve into creating your service offerings / products and setting your prices on Yupeto. Stay tuned...

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